Feb 17, 2009

What tourists may enjoy in New Orleans, Louisiana - video tour of highlights

This New Orleans video features the major highlights for a 3-5 day New Orleans tour: from Napoleon House, through Galatoire's to the Aquarium, from the New Orleans Museum of Art through the Column Hotel to the Barber Shop Men, Children's Museum etc. - and of course jazz at all measure.

The genre of the video film is like a tour video clip and and advertisement/ infomercial for foreverneworleans.com.

Feb 16, 2009

Benjamin Button - film shot in New Orleans

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was shot in several parts of New Orleans - yet again a film using the peculiar atmosphere of NOLA.

My favorite Rue de La Course Cafe (Rue on Oak) is not shown in the Benjamin Button film of course, but I recognized its corner and the former bank building with a characteristic clock on Oak Street in New Orleans immediately - I think it was shown in several scenes of the Brad Pitt & Cate Blanchette film.

And how could one forget the streets with the live oak trees and shotgun houses?

It is always a good feeling to recognize a place you loved and frequented in a nice film presentation.